Monday, December 24, 2007

Trinidadian English

I been limin' wid my sistah's friend from Trinidad and I learn a lot of tings I doh know before. (The grammar there was dubious, I know.)

The few things that I learned that I thought were especially interesting or funny.

HUMP: to lug around - "I hear you bin humpin' a lotta suitcases aroun' lately nah?"

[plurals]: "an dem" - "I don't like to go to sleepaway camp because of d cockroach an dem." (yes. that's how you pluralize things)

BREAK BICHE: to ditch school - "Why you breakin biche! I tell you it have school today!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahah very good... only sistah's friend would just be sistah friend - we don't use 's so much...